Appeals Modernization

Appeals Modernization DIS created a suite of communications materials and a television and radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) under the new VA Appeals Modernization campaign. The goal of the national campaign was to raise awareness and understanding of the new process for disability compensation claims in the Veteran community. DIS delivered a poster, infographic, factsheet […]
Blue Water Navy

Blue Water Navy The Blue Water Navy (BWN) Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 is a landmark piece of legislation, finally extending benefits to Vietnam Veterans in relation to Agent Orange exposure during service. To accomplish aggressive milestones and transform the narrative surrounding their advocacy of BWN Veterans, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) partnered with DIS to provide insight, plan, execute and evaluate a […]
IT Strategic Communication

IT Strategic Communication DIS supports the Information Technology Strategic Communications (ITSC) program office at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). DIS provides integrated communication products and services to support senior- and operational-level objectives to stakeholder groups within the Office of Information and Technology (OIT) at VA. Our work focuses on facilitating organizational change efforts across […]
Office of Transition and Economic Development

Office of Transition and Economic Development DIS leveraged findings from Human Centered Design research to define a new branding strategy, which included a complete rebrand for the Office of Transition and Economic Development (TED). The rebrand included the creation of a parent brand for TED and family brands for associated programs, like Personalized Career Planning […]
Compensation and Pension Exam

Compensation and Pension Exam DIS was tasked with developing a national outreach campaign to address Veteran frustration and lack of understanding around the Compensation and Pension exam process. We implemented a national campaign with an updated branding effort, targeted digital outreach, direct stakeholder engagement, the creation of 13 videos, and a suite of national outreach […]
Suicide Risk Management Consultation Program

DIS supported the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) commitment to advance suicide prevention outreach, education, and treatment efforts to reduce Veteran suicide rates. Specifically, DIS has worked with the Suicide Risk Management Consultation Program (SRM) to engage VA and community providers in receiving additional support when working with Veterans at risk for suicide. To […]
National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention DIS developed and implemented an organizational rebranding for the National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP). From psychographic segmentation study of the key audiences and stakeholders, focus groups, and internal interviews of NCP staff and leadership, DIS created a brand structure for NCP and the […]
Army National Guard: Guard Your Health

DIS supported the Army National Guard’s health and wellness campaign, Guard Your Health (GYH), through qualitative research and stakeholder outreach. Research directly influenced the website and all materials for the campaign. DIS also created the GYH overview video to show on the website, at events, and during presentations. The video highlights the different aspects of […]
National Center for PTSD Outreach & Advertising

DIS helps the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) expand the conversation around posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and raise awareness of the importance of receiving PTSD treatment. In addition, DIS supports NCPTSD’s efforts to reduce stigma around PTSD and other mental health concerns and encourage use of NCPTSD informational and promotional materials. The focus of NCPTSD’s […]