Enterprise Optimization

Achieving Strategic Results

DIS believes in the power of collaboration and integrative thinking. We enter each client engagement open-minded and curious. We take the time to get to know the client, their problem set, their objectives, their resources, their culture, and their timeline and definition of success. Empowered with this knowledge, DIS puts our depth and breadth of knowledge, experience, and capabilities to work, tailoring solutions to best suit client needs and goals.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning starts with the art and science of data collection and diagnosis. Our team identifies strategic performance issues and opportunities, key pain points, and priorities to seamless understand the as- is and future- state of organizations. We leverage a diverse set of tools and tactics to meet client needs including SWOT analysis with structured and unstructured data, appreciative inquiry, and strategic risk analysis, or root cause analysis, among others. Our team develops and tailors an outcomes-based performance management framework (e.g., Objectives and Key Results - OKRs), creates strategy maps, and refines analysis of people, processes, policies, tools, and technology to move from planning through implementation.

See Strategic Planning in Action

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Organizational Change Management

Effective change management requires using data, behavioral science and the needs and experiences of people at the center of all change activities. DIS’s change planning and management features organizational and stakeholder assessments to determine readiness for change, barriers to change, and impacts of change. The DIS EO team uses industry best practices and methods such as the Prosci change framework to carry out assessments and develop the overarching change strategy, supporting change plans, and specific resistance, communications, training, and other plans needed to implement and sustain organizational change.

See Change Management in Action

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Organizational Design, Development, and Modernization

To implement transformative modernization, support organizational development, and optimize effectiveness, the DIS EO team conducts needs assessments and comprehensive analysis of alternatives. We use quantitative and qualitative methods in building business cases, funding justifications, management plans, and organizational effectiveness interventions. The DIS EO team leverages processes analysis methods such as digital end-to-end efficiency analysis and bottleneck (theory of constraints) analysis, and analysis of alternatives models such as the valuation measurement model (VMM) to identify the people, processes, and tools most likely to achieve success and result in sustained value streams. DIS EO methods include workforce development activities that support recruitment, retention, and teamwork.

See Organizational Development, Effectiveness, and Modernization in Action

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DIS tailors frameworks such as OKRs to align with customer culture and resourcing and expedite the shift from counting outputs to measuring outcomes.

Read more about our earned value OKR performance management approach.