Organizational Development and Strategic Support

The Evidence Act directed major changes in data management and use to improve government decision-making. As VA sought to implement an enterprise-wide data strategy and better put VA data to work for Veterans, DIS was brought aboard to help operationalize data governance. DIS applied leading practices to develop an action plan and implement a performance framework that has made VA a leader in improving enterprise-wide data management for better Veterans Services and improved operations. The work included organization and stakeholder analysis; policy research and analysis; council and sub-council governance documentation and operating procedures; council and sub-council facilitation; change management activities; Roadmap development; and development of OKRs for outcome-based performance management; and an enterprise-level dashboard. Additionally, the DIS EO team researched, analyzed, and wrote strategic plans, concepts of operation, and business cases.


Through our efforts, VA implemented not only an enterprise-level data governance council empowered by near-real-time visibility of milestone and objective progress, but successfully mirrored and operationalized this capability across VA organizations. As a result, stakeholders and Veterans benefited through better understanding of Veterans needs for initiatives such as the PACT Act implementation, and operational savings occurred in excess of $1.8B. Further, VA enhanced visibility of current and upcoming legislation, enabling the alignment of data integration initiatives with federal legislation and expediting response to Congressional queries.


Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Enterprise Integration, Office of Data Governance & Analysis
