Podcast: DIS’s John Condon: From Output to Outcomes Using OKRs

In this exciting episode of the OKRs Q&A Podcast, Atruity’s Tim Meinhardt interviews John Condon, Chief Growth Officer at Dynamic Integrated Services (DIS). John begins by talking about enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and serving in Viet Nam as an infantry radioman before being awarded an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. He later […]
ASAE Members Gain OKR Insights from Chris Lyons

In this article, DIS’s Chris Lyons examines how the objective and key results (OKR) management method can achieve organization-wide commitment, alignment of effort, and data-driven results that create outstanding outcomes from teams and faster achievement of strategic priorities. The OKR approach moves goal setting away from measuring output of an organization’s own work and processes […]