DIS Ranked Among Top 100 Federal Marketing Communications Leaders

G L 100 Top Federal Marketing and Communications Leaders. #3 S D V O S B, #5 Growith, #67 Overall.

Dynamic Integrated Services (DIS) is thrilled to share our rankings in the recent GrowthLab GL100 Report. Every year the GrowthLab GL100 Report ranks the top 100 federal marketing communications leaders. For FY22, GrowthLab ranked DIS 3rd among Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, 5th in growth, and 67th overall. Our business saw an incredible 38.52% growth in […]

DIS Named 2022 Moxie Award Finalist

celebratory graphic with purple background that reads “Moxie Award Finalist” GovCon (50-99 Employees) and shows the logo for Dynamic Integrated Services.

Dynamic Integrated Services is excited to announce that Dynamic Integrate Services is a 2022 Moxie Award finalist! DIS is among the finalists in the category of “GovCon 50-99 Employees.” The Moxie Award recognizes companies and organizations in the Washington, D.C., metro area that demonstrate “boldness in business.” Applicants are evaluated on innovation, growth, industry leadership, […]

Nicole Carey wins PRNews Changemaker Award

PR News 2022 Top Women Awards: Nicole Carey

We are thrilled to announce that our own Chief Strategy Officer, Nicole Carey, has won the 2022 PRNews Top Women Award in the Changemaker category. This prestigious award is bestowed up on the top women who have steered their company into new markets, new opportunities, new audiences, and strong, measurable growth – women who’ve successfully […]

DIS Recognized with Three MarCom Awards

Examples of award-winning materials including video, brochure, and posters.

Our talented, in-house design team at Dynamic Integrated Services was recently recognized with three prestigious MarCom awards for excellence and creativity—including one Platinum Award! MarCom recognized DIS with the following awards: Platinum for the National Center for PTSD Mobile App brochures Gold for the Women Veterans Health Care Anti-Harassment posters Honorable mention for the PTSD Treatment Decision Aid […]

Podcast: DIS’s John Condon: From Output to Outcomes Using OKRs

Promotion for John Condon's appearance on episode 55 of podcast From Outputs to Outcomes Using O K Rs.

In this exciting episode of the OKRs Q&A Podcast, Atruity’s Tim Meinhardt interviews John Condon, Chief Growth Officer at Dynamic Integrated Services (DIS). John begins by talking about enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and serving in Viet Nam as an infantry radioman before being awarded an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. He later […]

ASAE Members Gain OKR Insights from Chris Lyons

Headshot of Chris Lyons in a dark suit and light blue tie, facing camera in front of a dark blue background.

In this article, DIS’s Chris Lyons examines how the objective and key results (OKR) management method can achieve organization-wide commitment, alignment of effort, and data-driven results that create outstanding outcomes from teams and faster achievement of strategic priorities.  The OKR approach moves goal setting away from measuring output of an organization’s own work and processes […]

Mark Forman’s Federal Tech Talk Interview Ranks #3 most popular podcast of the year

Mark Forman

Mark Forman joined John Gilroy, host of Federal Tech Talk, in July 2021 for an engaging discussion about what it takes to achieve federal information technology goals. By the end of the year, the interview ranked #3 among all Federal Tech Talk’s shows for the year. DIS Executive Vice President of Enterprise Optimization and Transformation […]

Mark Forman Breaks Down Zero Trust on Government Matters

Mark Foreman smiling at camera during an interview on Government Matters TV.

Mark Forman, DIS executive vice president, met with Mimi Geerges for the Security Matters segment of Government Matters to do a deep dive into zero trust and the process it will take to get government security to that goal. “Cyber security has always been the basis of understanding IT assets,” explains Forman. “All these legacy applications don’t really have good security built into them. It’s just not […]

20 Years Later: Mark Forman Reflects on his Experience as first Federal CIO

Mark Forman

DIS is thrilled to have the expertise of Mark Forman, Executive Vice President of Enterprise Optimization and Transformation, on our executive leadership team. In a recent article Mark wrote for FCW, he reflects on 20 years of experience in the federal IT space. He provides insight into creating a citizen-centered government by engaging, collaborating, and making fact-based decisions.  “Twenty years ago today, I began work […]

Mark Forman Talks JEDI Contract Cancellation and the Future of DoD’s Cloud Strategy

Mark Forman interview with Emily Murphy

With the Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud contract cancelled, the conversation has turned to how DoD can restructure to build an optimal enterprise cloud capability with a different model. Mark Forman, executive vice president of DIS, demonstrated his extensive expertise in enterprise optimization and government IT in a recent conversation with […]