Office of Transition and Economic Development

Office of Transition and Economic Development

DIS leveraged findings from Human Centered Design research to define a new branding strategy, which included a complete rebrand for the Office of Transition and Economic Development (TED). The rebrand included the creation of a parent brand for TED and family brands for associated programs, like Personalized Career Planning and Guidance (PCPG) and Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E). Internal interviews, insight sessions, and focus group research helped quickly define the brand and communications strategy. The brand and communications strategy then provided the foundation for a new logo design (with a graphic style guide) and materials templates.

Office of Transition and Economic Development: Educate. Connect. Empower.
Transition and Economic Development Style Guide
Personalized Career Planning and Guidance
Office of Transition and Economic Development, Personalized Career Planning and Guidance logo guidelines
Personalized Career Planning and Guidance is here to help!
Personalized Career Planning and Guidance fact sheet
Veteran Readiness and Employment logo
Veteran Readiness and Employment Logo Guidelines
Veteran Readiness and Employment Materials
Personas collage

Journey Maps

Military Separation Journey Map
Personal Career Planning and Guidance Journey Map


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration, Office of Transition & Economic Development
