DIS supported the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) commitment to advance suicide prevention outreach, education, and treatment efforts to reduce Veteran suicide rates. Specifically, DIS has worked with the Suicide Risk Management Consultation Program (SRM) to engage VA and community providers in receiving additional support when working with Veterans at risk for suicide. To increase awareness of the program and its resources, DIS first conducted focus group research with mental health providers. Results directly influenced the name of the organization, brand identity, and messaging featured on the website and promotional materials. DIS led all activities including a complete website overhaul, promotional material design, partnership outreach & development, direct mail campaign, print ad placement, digital advertising, and metrics reporting. DIS conducted outreach to 50 organizations and developed strategic partnerships with five organizations. Activities such as the direct mail campaign, resulted in reaching 15,000 mental health providers across 50 states while the print ad placement reached an audience of more than 200,000. The website and digital advertising campaign resulted in over 230,000 impressions and increased website traffic by more than 10%.